Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What is a Panic Attack: Symptoms and Severity of the Illness

Suddenly waking up at night finding you sweaty, restless and breathless can be scary, exhausting and frightening - a condition that experts call as panic attack. So, what is a panic attack? A panic attack can actually happen to you anytime of the day. You might find yourself feeling restless, anxious and breathless no matter what time it is as panic attacks can happen whenever and wherever you are.

To answer more thoroughly your question of what is a panic attack, it is actually a symptom of anxiety disorder. If you are suffering from any, it is most likely that you will experience a panic attack at some point in your life as well. Panic attacks are defined by episodes of breathlessness, gasping for air as with hyperventilation, excessive respiration and suddenly waking up at night feeling out of breath and restless. 

Panic attacks are also defined with subsequent episodes of fear and apprehension that usually peaks 10 minutes after the initial attack and generally subsides the following hours.

Many first timers often conclude and fear that they are experiencing heart attack or a nervous breakdown. So, further details to answer what is a panic attack are the symptoms of panic attacks. While a heart attack and panic attacks may have the same symptoms such as suddenly being awoken in the middle of night and breathlessness, the similarity actually ends there.

Panic attack symptoms are less harmful to your body as compared to a heart attack which can cause sudden death. Although, this is not a reason for you to take panic attacks lightly as prolonged episodes can cause harm to your health as well, just not as serious as sudden death that heart attacks give.
Intense trembling and shaking of the hands and knees are also symptoms of panic attack. When one feels scared and frightened one of the normal responses of the body is to shake and tremble intensively. 

When you experience this alongside the feeling of fright it might be that you are suffering from panic attacks. Fear is the one symptom that defined a panic attack from a heart attack as when you have a panic attack there is intense feeling of fear and terror. You feel like you have the need to escape something and go somewhere else that you no fear could inflict on you. This is one serious symptom that you can feel when you have a panic attack.

Now that you have a further understanding of what is a panic attack, you might be wondering then if this is a serious illness. Generally speaking, panic attacks are not harmful to your body although if not treated immediately can manifest serious consequences in your life. 

Especially with nocturnal panic attacks, you hardly sleep anymore because you are always awoken even before your deepest sleep so you hardly feel relaxed at all. Sleep is essential to every human being as our bodies need to relax. Lack of sleep can cause you to become less productive in your work as you barely have the energy left to work, experience poor memory and even become irritable and emotionally unstable. Thus, when you experience any of the symptoms, you need to consult with your doctor immediately.