Signs of Anxiety in Men

If you constantly feel nervous and worried, you are experiencing a generalized anxiety disorder. The signs of anxiety in men which are different from those you experience when you are merely feeling tense. You feel anxious for no reason at all to the point that it becomes severely incapacitating. Both men and women manifest the same symptoms and signs of anxiety.

One of the symptoms of anxiety attacks is cognitive disruption. Aside from being anxious and nervous, you would feel afraid, annoyed, impatient or edgy. It is not caused by a single situation but by different aspects of your life. This is a psychological problem that comes and goes and makes you unproductive. You will not be able to think properly and focus on your daily activities. 

Sleep disruption is also one of the anxiety attack symptoms in men. Because you feel edgy, anxious and nervous, different thoughts run through your mind to the point that you cannot sleep well. You would not be able to relax and rest properly thus the absence of a good sleep.

Exhaustion is another sign of anxiety that maybe present in men. Because you feel anxious, you would regularly feel exhausted. When you lack sleep, fatigue is natural. Anxiety attacks trigger an emotional reaction where hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine are released by the body. 

This results to hypertension, a higher heart rate and tense muscles. These chemicals make your body ready to take action and because anxiety constantly does this, you would feel constantly tired.

When you feel anxious, your digestive system becomes unbalanced. You experience loss of appetite and an upset stomach. There are those who experience diarrhea and nausea. Such are responses of the body towards hormonal changes and stress caused by anxiety. Signs of anxiety in men also include respiratory disturbances. 

Your heart rate becomes faster while your blood pressure shoots up. This would affect your lungs where you have trouble catching your breath or experience shortness of breath. This is because oxygen does not seem to flow the normal way in your body when you become anxious. You may also feel dizzy or lightheaded and sometimes, you may faint. There are other symptoms of anxiety attacks and they include severe and excessive perspiration. 

Signs of anxiety in men: Treat them without medication

Because of this, you would constantly wet your shirt which can cause body odor. In addition, you will get headaches and migraines because you think and worry too much and you do not get much sleep.

Men who are increasing their intake of both alcohol and drugs are an indication that they are anxious. It is their way of self-medicating where they need to forget their troubles by using these harmful substances. In addition, they become withdrawn socially where they suffer from agoraphobia where they are scared to be in public places. 

An anxiety attack symptom in men is they would feel scared of situations they found enjoyable before.
If you feel any of these symptoms or see these signs in yourself, you are suffering from anxiety attacks. Seek help immediately by speaking to a psychologist, a psychiatrist or an expert. 

You need to get rid of these anxiety attack symptoms in men so as to have a peaceful and healthier life.