Linden Method Review
If I were to spill my guts about my panic and anxiety history you might say it sounds like I was schitzophrenic. Actually I told somone a while ago just how bad I was and that is exactly what he said; "sounds like you were schitzophrenic". I even had frightening feelings of body dismorphia and could not sleep.
I want to tell everyone here somthing. I will NOT tell about how bad I was in gross detail because all it will do, ultimately, is freak you out and make you think "my god how terrifying" and that is the last thing you need right now. You do not need to read about my story and then translate it into your own personal fears at this very moment, though I understand how theraputic it can be. Many years ago I was all over the internet joining anxiety groups and shared everything, but little did I realize that was part of what was purpetuating the condition.
The Linden Method saved my life. Check out Anxiety and panic are a NON ISSUE. Ill be honest with you all, I HATE sounding like a damn salesman but I really dont have a choice. I would not be so ardent about showing people this method if it hadnt literally saved my life. I thought I was cursed for life, seriously. I couldnt sleep, had terrifying feelings and sensations all over my body, had very macabre and distrubing thoughts, but THEY DO NOT MATTER ANYMORE. They simply do not exist and I will not get into the very gross and disturbing details of my anxiety/panic past. I just want to talk about my well and balanced PRESENT and tell you, honestly, that you can do it! Please believe me.
The Linden Method is like a step up from CBT, though it does use the same techniques on a fundamental level. The method I used doesn't allow you to "put it off" or get feelings like "Im too scared to do this, I give up". There are a lot of parts to the method but its overall methodology is very simple and scientific. It focuses mainly on the amygdala and Charles' discovery that this small organ in the brain is one of the main culprits in panic/anxiety conditions and once you completely "reprogram" this organ it is impossible to relapse. This taken with the many health and other tips in the pack make for a perfect arsenal. It took me ohhhhh... about 6 months to get to what I would call 90% well where I didnt need the method anymore. It was just hard wired into me and after about a year I was like "anxiety, what anxiety?". THis doesnt mean that I dont get scared anymore like if I have a nightmare or somthing haha. All the natural and built in safety aspects of anxiety are still there, just not the purpetual 24/7 switched on anxiety.
Another thing that really helped in the method was learning Qi Kung which is very gentle but effective exorsize. It really helps get the blood and oxygen flowing and makes you feel like a rock! I started working again and doing Qi Kung every morning made me feel like I could tackle any sort of physical work easily. It just makes you feel better all around.
Another thing I should mention about this great method is how quickly it begins to work. Within 3 days I was panic attack free. I remember my last panic attack and realizing "This will never happen again", and it didn't. This for me was one of the most amazing parts of the method. Once I commited myself to the CD called the "panic eliminator" I was panic free in about 6 hours. When you first listen to this CD you might think, like I did, "this is crazy, does he really want me to do this?" After a few days of letting the information sink in I decided to dive into the actual practice that it tells you to do and BOOM, done!
It is hard for people to understand when I say I cured myself from panic and anxiety completely using just one method. I think because it quite trully is too good to believe to be true. Like "there is just no way" hahaha. I was taken aback myself when I discovered the Linden Method at and actually called the center and asked them "is this true? Has this method really cured over 80,000 people with anxiety and panic?". She said very simply "yes, we have an amazing success rate". Hell, I had nothing to lose! I have already spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on both conventional and unconventional therapies like Reiki and meditation, medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, ER visits, and many different kinds of prescription drugs. I was desperate and ready to try anything because NOTHING was working, at least not in a curing capacity.
I can tell you this, I am 100% anxiety and panic attack free. When I look at how I was it is hard to believe that THAT is where my life used to be. I, still to this day, find it miraculous that I cured myself from all the symptoms, sensations, disturbing thoughts, insomnia etc etc. I had just about every thing one could have "wrong" with them with these conditions but I do understand that we are all different. Some people get pain in their limbs while others dont, some people have scary sensations in their brain (like I did) and others dont but it doesnt mean that we are different.
There are many faces that anxiety and panic can take and some people I have found have cured themselves of anxiety and panic jsut by changing their diet, or even just changing their job! I can only tell you what worked for me and 80,000 other poeple, and Charles Linden states right at the beginning of his method that "you either decide to do this or not to do it" and it is as simple as that. I really didn't have a choice, I mean this is my life! If somone gives me the choice between the possibility of curing myself of this condition permanently or to continue living with it the rest of my life I'll gladly take the former. And guess what, I did it and so can you!
It is nothing short of miraculous what happened to me. I mean I could seriously write a book about it.

Linden Method Review: Does It Really Work?
Unless you have suffered the crippling effects panic and anxiety attacks have on your life, it is difficult to be truly compassionate. Maybe that is what makes the Linden Method so remarkable and effective.
I don't easily endorse anything. However, since discovering the Linden Method I can't help but add my two cents to all the other glowing testimonials. Here is a program that delivers even more than is promised (Or so it feels anyway). Not only do you get a comprehensive package that contains a video, 10 audios and a manual with more than 200 pages, the personal support is priceless. Charles and his team are there to help you every step of the way. I find this truly remarkable and all I can say is; the Linden Method really works!
From about the age of 12, Charles Linden suffered from the debilitating effects of agoraphobia, anxiety and panic attacks. During his years at school he only just managed to stay afloat. Feelings of fear were a constant part of his existence. What should have been some of the best years of his life, became a nightmare. Feelings of loneliness and anxiety ruled his life.
As he got older the symptoms became even worse. By the time he was 21, he was so agoraphobic he would only leave the house to try and find help for his condition. Medication did not improve the situation and to make matters worse, the side effects were ghastly.
No one seemed able to help him. Wherever he turned, from conventional to alternative medicines, as well as therapy for anxiety and panic attacks, all proved to be in vain. Charles lived a life that can only be considered a horror.
In 1996 Charles decided he could not continue living his life like this. He started spending hours researching. Interviewing patients and people who managed to recover from these disorders, he systematically recorded the results.
Whilst doing this, he experienced an 'eureka' moment. Suddenly he looked at panic and anxiety attacks in an entirely different way. This proved to be the turning point for him and the beginning of the Linden Method.
In a couple of days his life started changing noticeably.
After two weeks he was socializing and attending college.
Within two months, he had no more anxiety or panic attacks and was able to live a normal life.
Drawing from his own experience, he spent two years developing the Linden Method. Tested and refined, over the past decade it has been used successfully worldwide by more than 88 000 people. People who have tried previously, without success, to find a cure. Those people are now living life to the full. Finally 100% free from a dreadful condition.
Why is the Linden Method so successful? It can be attributed to a number of things:
  • It was developed by a knowledgeable person who had suffered for many years
  • The root cause of anxiety disorders is addressed
  • There are no drugs involved and therefore no harmful side effects
  • It is an easy to follow program
  • It is soothing and gentle with nothing frightening, but at the same time extremely effective.
  • Unlimited support and advice is available from trained and sympathetic counselors
  • Tested and approved by doctors and psychologists, the Linden Method is on its way to becoming the number one treatment for panic attacks and anxiety disorders
You can make the choice today. It's so easy. Instead of existing in a state of constant panic and anxiety, with the Linden Method you can start living life to the full and do those things you never thought possible.

The Linden Method for Anxiety Treatment
"Anxiety disorder and panic attacks aren't mental or physical illnesses. They are behavioral conditions, fueled solely by our own actions."
Shocking statement, but true according to Charles Linden, creator of The Linden Method, a natural anxiety relief treatment program.
This is probably contradictory to what you have already learned about your condition. For many years, anxiety disorder and panic attacks were blamed on a chemical imbalance in the brain. Charles conducted an extensive study into this misconception and his results proved that this is untrue.
The real culprit, he says, is a small gland in the brain called the Amygdala, which is responsible for triggering anxiety when needed. This is a basic instinct that works to ensure our survival when we feel threatened by an outside force or situation.
For anxiety and panic sufferers, however, this gland has somehow gotten stuck in the 'on' position. This causes the brain to repeatedly activate the anxiety when it is not required. This over-activation has become the new learned behavior.
Over time, this repeated activation has reset the gland to a much higher and more sensitive response rate than is required. The cure is to figure out how to turn it off again.
Charles has clearly done his homework. After interviewing respected members of the mental health community, psychologists, psychiatrists and even hospitalized patients he has discovered that 'off' switch. It involves retraining the Amygdala to revert to it's original behavior and in turn, lessen it's rate of response.
He points out that traditional methods using 'talk therapy' were designed to examine the cause of the anxiety (usually a life event) and then develop a series of exercises to resolve those issues. As it turns out, talk therapy isn't the cure for uncontrolled anxiety and panic.
"The cause of anxiety disorders and panic attacks is not the 'life event' that created the stressful environment," Charles adds. "This is wrong. The actual cause is the way the Amygdala responded to that event and continues to produce anxiety and panic long after the event."
He explains that the problem lies in the way the original anxiety and panic are anticipated long after the stress-inducing event. He downplays the effectiveness of medications because they are targeted at the chemical imbalance which he's already learned is not the cause of anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
During his own treatments, he experienced "horrible withdrawal problems, rebound anxiety and extreme panic attacks" when he became dependent on Valium ? one of many medications used to treat the condition.
At that time, he was having 8-10 panic attacks every day. His condition deteriorated to the point he became agoraphobic and unable to leave his own home. And he wasn't alone in his condition.
It's startling to learn that around 40 Million people in the US currently suffer from anxiety disorders, including panic attacks and phobias. There are many more worldwide. Today, his program has become one of the most highly respected treatments throughout the mental health industry. It is endorsed by psychologists and doctors who have put The Linden Method to the test and seen incredible results among their clients.
"Until recently, I thought that conventional therapy held all the answers. I don't think that way any more. I help people get completely well now. Before, I felt like I was helping them to tread water," says psychologist Jenny Saunders.
The Linden Method approaches the matter in a conscientious and caring manner. Throughout the entire package, you are reminded of the concerned people behind it. From the comforting voice of Charles himself on the audio tapes to the written materials detailing the whole anxiety and panic condition, The Linden Method sets the positive environment for successful recovery.
The package consists of the Linden Method Manual, a Qi-Kung De-Stress video of relaxing and anxiety-defeating exercises and meditations, 6 audio tracks, and 1 year of free unlimited counseling support.
The support system he has in place provides that little extra that people often need while learning a new treatment program and while working towards a cure. This extra care is unusual in the world of anxiety treatment packages because many simply provide you with the tools with no backup help.
Sylvia Dickens